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9 Lessons learnt from the Coromandel Express Accident on June 2nd 2023 in Balasore Odisha, Howrah to Chennai Train Accident in Odisha - NewsWiseStories

9 Lessons learnt from the Coromandel express accident on June 2nd 2023 in Balasore Odisha

9 Lessons learnt from the Coromandel express accident on June 2nd 2023 in Balasore Odisha - NewsWiseStories

As we know and shocked to see how badly and tragic accident happened between 3 trains in Balasore, Odisha, India on 2nd June evening around 7 PM. 

The accident was so terrifying that around 1200 people were injured, and around 300 people were found dead as per govt data. 

You can imagine how unfortunate the family members of those people who lost their loved ones and how unfortunate the people with minor to severe injuries, cause they will take time to recover and they will have to live their life with those damages.

Moreover, they all faced this situations without any of their fault, which is more tragic. 

Indian PM Narendra Modi also said in his visit to Odisha that instructions are given to probe and find the reason of this unfortunate incident and those would be found guilty would not be spared and would be punished. 

Anyway whatever has happened, happened. As an informed citizen of India or any other nation, we have to learn something from this tragic incident and if we can implement that in our lives, then it will help us a lot in such kind of situations.

Read More: 

Coromandel Express Accident: 288 Dead so far, 382 Under Treatment and 793 discharged; PM said those found guilty won't be spared; Mamata vs Ashwini Vaishnaw on Anti-Collision Device Technique

Lessons Learnt:

Here are a few points which I take away with me from this incident:

1. Always Remember Your Loved Ones Mobile Numbers :

As you saw or got to know that when such kind of situations occur, there is a chance of you loosing your mobile phone. Since now a days, people are only saving everyone's  phone numbers in only mobile phones, it will become so difficult for you to ask for help or call your family members or even someone wants to call your loved one on behalf of you. If you remember 3-4 numbers at least, then your family members could be informed about your condition and whereabouts.

2. Always tell Your loved ones where you are going :

Now a days people are preferring their own privacy and staying separately or even they have to stay away cause of work willingly or unwillingly. 

There are many times many people don't tell to their parents or loved  family members where they are going. If anytime such kind of incidents happens, then your family members would not even able to come to know that you faced an accident. 

We are seeing that there are many dead bodies in Odisha which are still to be claimed. Now, think if their family members would not have been informed, then they would be thinking that their children wouldn't be part of this accident. 

After 2-3 days, the dead bodies will be done with last rituals by the local government. When later their parents will look for or call their children, they even would never find them at all. Hope you got the scenario. Always inform your family members about your journey. They at least deserve this to know..

3. Never stand inside the Trains or Buses:

We heard of passengers saying that they got survived the night because they were sitting there, whereas the people who were standing were severely injured or are dead. Many people lost their husbands or sons or wives or mothers cause they were standing. 

When you are sitting, you are less likely to damage yourself since you are in position to safeguard yourself by hands or something but when you are standing, there is less opportunities for rescuing yourself.

Many people try to avoid paying to government by travelling without ticket. So they mostly travel in sleeper and general class coaches without ticket, which puts much of load on the train. Govt. also should pay an attention to increase the tracks and rails to avoid congestion inside trains and people to travel by seating mostly.

4. Carry some cash with you in your pockets :

Now-a-days, we all are keeping money in different UPI apps and we are becoming so dependent on those. Few also keep some cash in wallets or bags or vanity bags. But, when such kind of incidents occur, we are most likely to loose the vanity bags or mobiles or other bags. But, when you would have some cash with you in your pockets, then you can take help for something or can get to eat something or even book a ticket to go somewhere if you are not or less injured. 

5. Give Enough time to your family :

I know we go out for work to earn money for our families. But sometimes we stay busy a lot at work, that we forget about giving enough time for our families. 

We don't know when there is a last moment of ourselves is waiting somewhere. 

6. Take Term Insurance :

We saw around 300 people are dead for without any of their fault. Indian govt also declared 10 lakhs rupees per dead body for their families. 

If you are poor or too poor then I understand that 10 lakhs is a good amount for family to adjust in this unfair situation and 10 lakhs rupees would help to start a small business or it can pay good for your children education. 

But, if you are from a well off or from a middle class family, do you think 10 lakhs rupees will help your family a lot in case of your absence. Obviously the answer will be NO. You need at least 50 lakhs rupees a bare minimum and 1-2 Crores of rupees will be an ideal money in your absence. 

Having a term insurance will help your family members financially in case of your absence, which I will suggest everyone to to take. . 

This is a low cost premium insurance too. This is my favourite topic and I can write and discuss on this the whole day. You can read some more articles related to this:

Should You take Insurance for yourself or for family members? If yes, which type of insurance and How much of is sufficient? Click to know more 👇👇👇

Have these 10 things at least in your life before even you think or do of any kind of investing - Investment Strategy

If you are not taking term insurance, at least take some sort of good life insurance to stay protected, but assess the product thoroughly before taking it. 

7. Have Health Insurance :

Around 1200 people were injured, where around 800 were having minor injuries and around 400 were having severe injuries. 

For this incident govt is taking care of treatment, but govt does not take care of all incidents. Govt is giving lakhs of rupees for severe injuries people and 50000 for minor injuries. We don't know if the severe injured people will have more than 2 lakhs of expenses later. 

So having a health insurance helps to stay secured in such kind situations. 

8. Have Emergency fund and Some cash at home:

Having an emergency funds which can be helpful in case of emergency like this is. Even if there will be so cash at home, your family members can reach out to you or can do first level of treatment for you or you can do for your family members. 

9. Take Travel Insurance :

Whether you're travelling by train or bus or flight, please take travel insurance to secure your life and belongings. If you are travelling by your car or bike, make sure you have the motor insurance is up to date. 

Read More: 

All Major insurance plans other than Life and Health Insurance. Must read for everyone. Click to know full details

Hope you got the situations and scenarios we discussed above and the lessons we learned from this Coromandel express accident in Odisha. If you like our posts of NewsWiseStories, please share these with your friends and family members.

Happy Reading 🙏🙏🙏

Happy Investing 🙏🙏🙏

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