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Quant Small Cap Fund: Around 300% return in last 3 years | Should You also Invest In Quant Small Cap Fund? Quant Small Cap Fund Review

Quant Small Cap Fund: Around 300% return in last 3 years | Should You also Invest In Quant Small Cap Fund? Quant Small Cap Fund Review by NewsWiseStories

Quant Small Cap Fund: Around 300% return in last 3 years | Should You also Invest In Quant Small Cap Fund? Quant Small Cap Fund Review by NewsWiseStories

Recently, a friend of mine called and was practically bouncing for delight. In just three years, a smallcap fund he had invested in three years prior had increased his 3,60,000 rupees into 9.8 lakhs, a return of around three times in 3 years. The name of this fund may have already come to your mind. Yes, it's the Quant Small Cap Fund.  Isn't so interesting?

We aim to help investors make informed decisions about investing in this Quant Small Cap Fund, by examining its investment strategy, risk assessment, performance and expert analysis.

Table Of Contents:

Overview of Quant Small Cap Fund:

The Quant Small Cap Fund is an investment fund which mostly that focuses on small-cap companies. The investment strategy of this fund focuses to identify promising opportunities among some known and more lesser-known companies with high growth potential. The fund has a clear goal of delivering attractive returns to its investors.

Quant Small Cap Fund Review:

Here is a brief update and review for those of you who haven't heard of this fund or haven't looked at its performance. 


In the previous four years, Quant's smallcap fund generated a return of 38.78% if you compare from today. Even better, with a three-year return of 59.15% CAGR. Even more impressive are the SIP returns.

3 Years:

If you would have done an SIP of 5,000 rupees three years ago, will be currently worth of Rs. 495230.79 (4.95 Lakhs) with total amount Invested of Rs. 180000 (1.8 Lakhs) and wealth gained as Rs. 315230 (3.15 Lakhs). That represents a 59.15% return.

4 Years:

If you would have done an SIP of 5,000 rupees four years ago, will be currently worth of Rs. 574869 (5.7 Lakhs) with total amount Invested of Rs. 240000 (2.4 Lakhs) and wealth gained as Rs. 334869 (3.3 Lakhs). That represents a 38.74% return.

These are all quite uncommon numbers, which can fluctuate much. 

5 Years:

Let's look for at least 5 years returns:

If you would have done an SIP of 5,000 rupees three years ago, will be currently worth of Rs. 639908.82 (6.39 Lakhs) with total amount Invested of Rs. 300000 (3 Lakhs) and wealth gained as Rs. 339908 (3.39 Lakhs), which is over double of your investment in just 5 years. That represents a 27.19% return. 

SIP Calculator same as SIP calculator SBI or SBI SIP Calculator:

You can do the sip calculation in excel however, you can also use the below SIP calculator for the above SIP calculation formula which is same as SIP calculator SBI or SBI SBI calculator.

Click here for 👉  SIP Calculator

Which one to Choose? Quant Small Cap Fund Direct Growth or Quant Small Cap Fund Regular Growth?

Obviously, my recommendation will be to go for Quant small cap fund direct growth. The major reasons of choosing a direct growth mutual fund over Quant small cap fund regular are:

Lower Expense Ratios (eliminating the commissions or distribution fees), Cost Efficiency (elimination of sales commissions or marketing expenses), Transparency, Flexibility and Control, Direct Communication with Fund Managers to get insights on performance, future prospects and fund's strategy, Potential for Higher Returns due to Lower Expense Ratios.

Some more Deep Details of Quant Small Cap Fund Direct Plan Growth:

Let's try to understand some more details of Quant Small Cap Fund direct plan growth. And they are as of 27th June:

Quant Small Cap Fund NAV:

The NAV of Quant Small Cap Fund is:  ₹169.8918

CAGR of 1 year: 43.65%

CAGR of 2 Years: 20.25%

CAGR of 3 Years: 59.15%

CAGR of 4 Years: 38.78%

CAGR of 5 Years: 27.19%

AUM : ₹4,688.18 Cr.

Exit load: 1%

Expense ratio: 0.62%

Risk involved: Very High

Fund Manager : Mr. Ankit Pande

Top 10 Sectors of Investment:



Treps/Reverse Repo

Finance - Banks - Private Sector


Consumer Discretionary

Health Care


Communication Services

Construction & Contracting

Top 10 Companies of Investment:

Reliance Industries Limited

TREPS 01-June-2023 DEPO 10

HDFC Bank Limited

IRB Infrastructure Developers Limited

Bikaji Foods International Limited

Punjab National Bank

Jindal Stainless Limited

Usha Martin Limited

Arvind Limited


Quant Small Cap Fund Growth:

Quant Small Cap Fund now has an AUM of about 4,688.18 crore as of June 27th 2023. Considering that it falls within the small cap category, this is a respectable size. But what is amazing is how quickly it has expanded. Due to investors pouring money into the fund due to its high continuous return, its AUM increased from just under 2 crore in 2019 to the current 4,000 crore. We started off by talking about the fund's returns. 

Quant Small Cap Fund Performance:

Take notice of the Quant Small Cap Fund performance:

Quant Small Cap Fund Growth

Pros and Cons of Investing in Quant Small Cap Fund:

Every investment opportunity comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we will outline the pros and cons of investing in the Quant Small Cap Fund. By presenting a balanced assessment, readers will gain a clear understanding of the potential benefits and risks associated with this fund.

One intelligent point to make in the above analysis is that when small-cap funds size grows, they do find it difficult to deploy their assets. But Quant Small Cap Fund at Rs 4,000 crore, the size of the fund doesn't seem to be too much stretched. If you compare it with Nippon Small Cap Fund's AUM which is about Rs 29,000 crore, Nippon Small Cap fund is among the top performers in the category in spite of this large size.


After analyzing or reviewing the investment strategy, risk assessment and performance of the Quant Small Cap Fund, we notice that the fund has actually achieved remarkable success in the last 3 years. However, investors should be careful while considering their investment objectives and risk tolerance before making any investment or financial decisions. Do research thoroughly first and and if possible do seek for professional advice to ensure alignment with individual financial goals.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

What is Quant Small Cap Fund?

Quant Small Cap Fund is a mutual fund focusing in small-cap companies with high growth potential for investment. It has the goal to deliver super attractive returns by leveraging a systematic investment strategy to investors.

What does Quant Small Cap Fund make to differ from other mutual funds?

Quant Small Cap Fund is quite different by specializing in small-cap investments. It targets companies with smaller market capitalization, allowing investors to potentially benefit from the high growth and  lesser-known companies.

Do you have performance track record of Quant Small Cap Fund?

Quant Small Cap Fund has demonstrated superb performance, achieving over 300% returns in the last 3 years. However, past performance is not indicative of future returns and investors should consider various other aspects before making investment decisions.

What is the investment strategy of Quant Small Cap Fund?

The fund follows a unique investment strategy, rigorous research, data analysis, and quantitative models to identify small-cap companies with high growth potentials. 

What are the risks associated with investing in Quant Small Cap Fund?

Investing in small-cap companies involves higher risks compared to more established and larger companies. Small-cap funds can be more volatile due to their greater price fluctuations. Investors should carefully assess their risk appetite and tolerance and consider the fund's risk management strategies before investing in those.

Who manages the Quant Small Cap Fund?

The fund is managed by experienced professionals who specialize in small-cap investing. It is essential to research and evaluate the fund manager's track record, expertise, and investment approach when considering an investment.

What is the minimum investment requirement for Quant Small Cap Fund?

The minimum investment requirement may vary depending on the fund and the investment platform. For this fund, it is 1000 rupees of SIP minimum.

Can I redeem my investment in Quant Small Cap Fund at any time?

Yes, Mutual funds typically offer liquidity which allows its investors to redeem their investments at any time. However, it is advisable to review the fund's redemption policies, including any applicable exit load or lock-in period, before making investment decisions.

Should I consider investing in Quant Small Cap Fund?

The decision to invest in Quant Small Cap Fund is upon yourself. However, it depends on a number of things such as your investing goals, time horizon, risk tolerance etc and then make investment decisions.


Mutual Funds investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme-related documents carefully. Past performance is not an indicator for future returns.

The figures are for representational purposes only and do not offer any guarantees. The figures in amount have been calculated based on historic returns of the Quant Small Cap Fund.

Please like, and give support to our blog, and share this with your friends and family if you enjoyed it and found it useful so others can also take use of it. I'll be back shortly with another interesting blog. Investments in mutual funds are vulnerable to market risks. All materials pertaining to the scheme should be thoroughly read.

Happy Investing !!! 🙏🙏🙏

About Author:

Welcome to NewsWiseStories! I'm Blog Junkie (Sipu). 
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Warm Regards/Blog Junkie (Sipu)

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